This SQL will fit the bill: It's much easier to read the SELECT version first, as we can use the WITH clause:
with x_order as
( select 1 as ord, 'HOME' as phone_type from dual
union all select 2 as ord, 'MOB' as phone_type from dual
union all select 3 as ord, 'WORK' as phone_type from dual
union all select 4 as ord, 'SWK' as phone_type from dual
union all select 5 as ord, 'OTR' as phone_type from dual
union all select 6 as ord, 'FAX' as phone_type from dual)
select * from ps_personal_phone ph
where emplid = '12345678'
and ph.phone_type =
(select a.phone_type
ps_personal_phone a
, x_order b
where a.emplid = ph.emplid
and b.phone_type = a.phone_type
and b.ord =
(select min(b2.ord)
ps_personal_phone a2
, x_order b2
where a2.emplid = a.emplid
and b2.phone_type = a2.phone_type))
And the UPDATE version:
update ps_personal_phone ph
set ph.pref_phone_flag = 'Y'
where emplid = '12345678'
and ph.phone_type =
(select a.phone_type
ps_personal_phone a
( select 1 as ord, 'HOME' as phone_type from dual
union all select 2 as ord, 'MOB' as phone_type from dual
union all select 3 as ord, 'WORK' as phone_type from dual
union all select 4 as ord, 'SWK' as phone_type from dual
union all select 5 as ord, 'OTR' as phone_type from dual
union all select 6 as ord, 'FAX' as phone_type from dual) b
where a.emplid = ph.emplid
and b.phone_type = a.phone_type
and b.ord =
(select min(b2.ord)
ps_personal_phone a2
( select 1 as ord, 'HOME' as phone_type from dual
union all select 2 as ord, 'MOB' as phone_type from dual
union all select 3 as ord, 'WORK' as phone_type from dual
union all select 4 as ord, 'SWK' as phone_type from dual
union all select 5 as ord, 'OTR' as phone_type from dual
union all select 6 as ord, 'FAX' as phone_type from dual) b2
where a2.emplid = a.emplid
and b2.phone_type = a2.phone_type))