class General;
method ComponentFieldFindReplace(&rs As Rowset, &fieldName As string, &find As string, &replace As string)
/* Searches *entire* Component Buffer for a given Field Name, and optional value,
and replaces with the given value.
&rs: The RowSet that the search will begin at, and cascade down from. Generally use GetLevel0().
&fieldName: The name of the Field whose value you want to replace.
&find: (optional) The value to match
&replace: The value to update the Field.Value with.
Example: &clsGPUtilities.ComponentFieldFindReplace(GetLevel0(), "YOUR_FIELD", "", "X");
method ComponentFieldFindReplace
/+ &rs as Rowset, +/
/+ &fieldName as String, +/
/+ &find as String, +/
/+ &replace as String +/
Local integer &i, &r, &f, &c;
For &i = 1 To &rs.RowCount
For &r = 1 To &rs(&i).RecordCount
For &f = 1 To &rs(&i).GetRecord(&r).FieldCount
If &rs(&i).GetRecord(&r).GetField(&f).Name = &fieldName Then
If &find = "" Or
&find = &rs(&i).GetRecord(&r).GetField(&f).Value Then
&rs(&i).GetRecord(&r).GetField(&f).Value = &replace;
/* Do same for each child RowSet of this Row. */
For &c = 1 To &rs(&i).ChildCount
%This.ComponentFieldFindReplace(&rs(&i).GetRowset(&c), &fieldName, &find, &replace);
Component Field Find & Replace
Posted by
Michael Nitschke
on Thursday, 4 December 2014
Comments: (0)
Sometimes you just want to find a field and replace its value no matter where it is in the Component.
Tetris SQL
Posted by
Michael Nitschke
on Thursday, 14 August 2014
Comments: (0)
This is a DB2 solution.
Oracle will be different for the 'daterange' WITH clause (subquery factoring)
-- Two step process:
-- Delete rows in Target that don't exist in Results,
-- Insert rows from Result that don't exist in Target.
-- Tricky bit:
-- Don't overwrite any manually added rows in the Target.
-- Instead block *around* them; Tetris.
delete from TARGET_TBL d
where d.source = 'ee'
(processing_range.start_dt between d.start_dt and d.end_dt
or processing_range.end_dt between d.start_dt and d.end_dt
or d.start_dt between processing_range.start_dt and processing_range.end_dt)
and not exists
(select 1
where a.pin_num = d.pin_num
and a.start_dt = d.start_Dt
and a.end_dt = d.end_dt)
with daterange(level,dt) as (
select 1, current date - 1 year
from sysibm.sysdummy1
union all select level + 1, dt + 1 day
from daterange
where level < 1000 and dt < current date + 1 year
select '1. Result' as thing, pin_num, start_dt, end_dt, 'ee' as source from RESULTS_TBL
select '2. Existing' as thing, pin_num, start_dt, end_dt, source from TARGET_TBL
'3. Answer' as thing
, a.pin_num
-- For PI/EA
, greatest(a.start_dt,
(select coalesce(max(s.end_dt) + 1 day, a.start_dt)
where s.pin_num = a.pin_num
and s.end_dt between a.start_dt and d.dt)) as start_dt
-- For PI/EA
, least(a.end_dt,
(select coalesce(min(s.start_dt) - 1 day, a.end_dt)
where s.pin_num = a.pin_num
and s.start_dt between d.dt and s.end_dt)) as end_dt
, 'ee' as source
, daterange d
where d.dt between a.start_dt and a.end_dt
and not exists
(select 1
where x.pin_num = a.pin_num
and d.dt between x.start_dt and x.end_dt)
Application Engine Log File
Posted by
Michael Nitschke
on Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Comments: (0)
Handy little library to open Application Engine log files, based on whether running on client while developing, or on server.
class FuncLib
method isTestingMode(&iProcessInst As integer) Returns boolean;
method GetFile(&bTesting As boolean, &sFilename As string, &sMode As string) Returns File;
* Returns whether app engine is in test mode (running locally). *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------*
* Parameters : &numProcessInst (process instance) *
* Returns : True if running locally, otherwise false. *
method isTestingMode
/+ &iProcessInst as Integer +/
/+ Returns Boolean +/
Local boolean &bExists, &bTestMode;
/* Check if process instance exists in a process scheduler table */
If Not &bExists Then
/* If not, then its running in test mode. */
&bTestMode = True;
Return &bTestMode;
* This method creates/opens a log file when running an app engine *
* in either 2 (testing) or n tier mode. *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------*
* Parameters *
* Parm 1: Boolean - Testing mode? *
* Parm 2: File name *
* Parm 3: Mode: "W" will create a new file for writing, *
* "A" will append to an existing file. *
* Returns : File *
method GetFile
/+ &bTesting as Boolean, +/
/+ &sFilename as String, +/
/+ &sMode as String +/
/+ Returns File +/
Local string &sPath;
Local File &fFile;
If &bTesting Then
&sPath = "C:\TEMP\";
&fFile = GetFile(&sPath | &sFilename, &sMode, %FilePath_Absolute);
&sPath = "";
&fFile = GetFile(&sFilename, &sMode);
If &sMode = "W" Then
MessageBox(0, "", 0, 0, "Creating file: %1", &sPath | &sFilename);
Return &fFile
And to use:
import YOUR_PACKAGE:Utilities:FuncLib:*;
Component File &logFile;
&cbTestingMode = (create YOUR_PACKAGE:Utilities:FuncLib()).isTestingMode(YOUR_STATE_RECORD_AET.PROCESS_INSTANCE);
&logFile = (create YOUR_PACKAGE:Utilities:FuncLib()).GetFile(&cbTestingMode, "log.txt", "W");
PeopleCode to get a Sibling RowSet
Posted by
Michael Nitschke
on Monday, 28 April 2014
Comments: (0)
For some reason this just took me far too long to figure out. Must be getting old. Writing down for reference.
Let's say you have a page with a Record structure like this:
Sibling 1
Sibling 2
And you want some code/event on Sibling 1 to change the data in Sibling 2.
The somewhat unusual scenario I had is that Sibling 2 is a kind of audit record for Sibling 1, so that every time data changed on Sibling 1 a new row was inserted into Sibling 2 with Oprid and DateTime etc.
Normally you could just have Sibling 2 as a child of Sibling 1 (and technically it is) but in my scenario Sibling 1 was already at Level 3. The data was to be displayed. I had no room to move.
Place the following in something like SIBLING_1.Field1.SaveEdit()
You'll now have the sibling Record as a RowSet.
.ParentRow is the property of the RowSet you are looking for.
Let's say you have a page with a Record structure like this:
Sibling 1
Sibling 2
And you want some code/event on Sibling 1 to change the data in Sibling 2.
The somewhat unusual scenario I had is that Sibling 2 is a kind of audit record for Sibling 1, so that every time data changed on Sibling 1 a new row was inserted into Sibling 2 with Oprid and DateTime etc.
Normally you could just have Sibling 2 as a child of Sibling 1 (and technically it is) but in my scenario Sibling 1 was already at Level 3. The data was to be displayed. I had no room to move.
Place the following in something like SIBLING_1.Field1.SaveEdit()
Local Rowset &rsSIBLING_2 = GetRowset().ParentRow.GetRowset(Scroll.SIBLING_2);
You'll now have the sibling Record as a RowSet.
.ParentRow is the property of the RowSet you are looking for.
Make a Field Required using PeopleCode
Posted by
Michael Nitschke
on Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Comments: (0)
Simple example of controlling whether a Field is required using PeopleCode instead of the Record definition properties.
Place this in the Record Field's SaveEdit PeopleCode.
Place this in the Record Field's SaveEdit PeopleCode.
If None(GetField().Value) Then
GetField().Style = "PSERROR";
Error MsgGet(15, 30, "Highlighted fields are required.");
GetField().Style = "PSEDITBOX";