This returns schedules based on the schedule id(s) that is/are current for a given employee during a given payment period. If there is no schedule id default to 'UOA01'.
The first part was tricky as sch_assign is an effective dated table, and has no required end date, but each row does end when the next effective date comes into effect. I solved that using a subselect to derive the end_dt. Easy enough.
The next part, defaulting in 'UOA01' was a little trickier. A union to always bring in UOA01, but then a not exists subselect to only bring in where part A of the union returned nothing.
Perhaps easy when you see the solution first, this one took me quite a few attempts, and half the afternoon. Saved for prosperity and that time in the future when I ask myself "I remember doing similar...".
Apart from doing some tricky things with dates this SQL always returns a value. There is a default value in the SQL.
, b.sched_hrs
, a.effdt as bgn_dt
(select min(x.effdt) - 1
from ps_sch_assign x
where x.emplid = a.emplid
and x.empl_rcd = a.empl_rcd
and x.effdt < a.effdt) as end_dt
from %Table(sch_assign) a
where a.emplid = %Bind(cc_a20_uoa_aet.emplid)
and a.empl_rcd = %Bind(cc_a20_uoa_aet.empl_rcd)
and a.schedule_id <> ' '
and a.effdt < %Bind(cc_a20_uoa_aet.prd_end_dt)
, to_date('01/01/2000', 'dd/mm/yyyy') as bgn_dt
, to_date('31/12/9999', 'dd/mm/yyyy') as end_dt
from dual
where not exists
(select 1
from %Table(sch_assign) a
where a.emplid = %Bind(cc_a20_uoa_aet.emplid)
and a.empl_rcd = %Bind(cc_a20_uoa_aet.empl_rcd)
and a.schedule_id <> ' '
and a.effdt < %Bind(cc_a20_uoa_aet.prd_end_dt))) a
, %Table(sch_clnd_vw) b
where b.schedule_id = a.schedule_id
and b.dur between %Bind(cc_a20_uoa_aet.prd_bgn_dt) and %Bind(cc_a20_uoa_aet.prd_end_dt)
and (b.dur <= a.end_dt or a.end_dt is null)
and b.sched_hrs > 0
order by dur
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