Stealth Migrations

Run the SQL below to check for any Record Fields that may be contained in NS_XXX records. These will need to be replaced/removed to ensure they do not get migrated to the CS9 environments (stealth migration).

select distinct r.projectname, r.objectvalue1, rf.fieldname from
(select distinct projectname, objectvalue1
 from psprojectitem p
 where p.objectvalue1 in (select distinct objectvalue1 prj1
                          from psprojectitem prj1
                          where prj1.projectname like 'NS%'
                          and prj1.objecttype = 0
                          and prj1.projectname = p.projectname)
) r,
psrecfield rf
where r.objectvalue1 = rf.recname
and rf.fieldname in (select distinct rf.fieldname
                     from psrecfieldall rf
                     where rf.recname in (select distinct b.objectvalue1
                                          from psprojectitem b
                                          where b.objecttype = 0)
                    and rf.fieldname not like 'NS%'
select d1.fieldname from psdbfield@NSFLDCHK.UNSW.EDU.AU d1);

Adding File Type to Report Manager Output

To add a new file type/extension tot eh lsit of possibel extension that Rpt. Mgr. will display, do this:

Add the following line in web.xml (/data/psoft/ocsv2/psft/pt/8.52/webserv/ocsv2/applications/peoplesoft/PORTAL.war/WEB-INF/web.xml)

<mime-mapping> <extension> uef </extension> <mime-type> text/plain </mime-type> </mime-mapping>
Reboot webserver

PeopleTools > Process Scheduler > System Settings 
Add the UEF in Tab=> Distribution File Options and reboot the process scheduler.