This SQL script can make things a little clearer.
select '-TRACE ' || (
1 + -- Initiate the Application Engine Step trace
2 + -- Initiate the Application Engine SQL trace
4 + -- Trace dedicated Temp Table Allocation to AET file
128 + -- Initiate the Statement Timings trace to file, which is similar to the COBOL timings trace to file
256 + -- Initiate the PeopleCode Detail to the file for the Timings trace
1024 + -- Initiate the Statement Timings trace, but, instead of writing to the trace file, this trace stores the results in the following tables: PS_BAT_TIMINGS_LOG and PS_BAT_TIMINGS_DTL
2048 + -- Adding this value requests a database optimizer trace file
4096 + -- Request a database optimizer to be inserted in the Explain Plan Table of the current database
8192 -- This value sets a trace for Integration Broker transform programs
) as TRACE from dual;
select '-TOOLSTRACESQL ' || (
1 + -- Trace SQL statements
2 + -- Trace SQL statement variables
4 + -- Trace SQL connect, disconnect, commit and rollback
8 + -- Show fetched rows (indicates that it occurred, not data)
16 + -- Show all other API calls except ssb
32 + -- Set Select Buffers (identifies the attributes of columns to be selected).
64 + -- Show database API specific calls
128 + -- Show COBOL statement timings
256 + -- Show Sybase bind information
512 + -- Show Sybase fetch information
4096 + -- Show manager information
8192 -- Show Mapcore information
) as TOOLSTRACESQL from dual;
select '-TOOLSTRACEPC ' || (
1 + -- Trace instructions
2 + -- List the program
4 + -- Show assignments to variables
8 + -- Show fetched values
16 + -- Show stack
64 + -- Trace start of programs
128 + -- Trace external function calls
256 + -- Trace internal function calls
512 + -- Show parameter values
1024 + -- Show function return values
2048 -- Trace each statement in program
) as TOOLSTRACEPC from dual;
Tracing on the Server:
./psft/pt/8.52/appserv/*/psappsrv.cfg is where you can set tracing for Batch server instances.
; Trace settings
; SQL Tracing Bitfield
; Bit Type of tracing
; --- ---------------
; 1 - SQL statements
; 2 - SQL statement variables
; 4 - SQL connect, disconnect, commit and rollback
; 8 - Row Fetch (indicates that it occurred, not data)
; 16 - All other API calls except ssb
; 32 - Set Select Buffers (identifies the attributes of columns
; to be selected).
; 64 - Database API specific calls
; 128 - COBOL statement timings
; 256 - Sybase Bind information
; 512 - Sybase Fetch information
; 1024 - SQL Informational Trace
; Dynamic change allowed for TraceSql and TraceSqlMask
; PeopleCode Tracing Bitfield
; Bit Type of tracing
; --- ---------------
; 1 - Trace Evaluator instructions (not recommended)
; 2 - List Evaluator program (not recommended)
; 4 - Show assignments to variables
; 8 - Show fetched values
; 16 - Show stack
; 64 - Trace start of programs
; 128 - Trace external function calls
; 256 - Trace internal function calls
; 512 - Show parameter values
; 1024 - Show function return value
; 2048 - Trace each statement in program (recommended)
; Dynamic change allowed for TracePC
; AE Tracing Bitfield
; Bit Type of tracing
; --- ---------------
; 1 - Trace STEP execution sequence to AET file
; 2 - Trace Application SQL statements to AET file
; 4 - Trace Dedicated Temp Table Allocation to AET file
; 8 - not yet allocated
; 16 - not yet allocated
; 32 - not yet allocated
; 64 - not yet allocated
; 128 - Timings Report to AET file
; 256 - Method/BuiltIn detail instead of summary in AET Timings Report
; 512 - not yet allocated
; 1024 - Timings Report to tables
; 2048 - DB optimizer trace to file
; 4096 - DB optimizer trace to tables
; Performance Monitor Tracing Bitfield
; Bit Type of tracing
; --- ---------------
; 1 - Trace All performance monitor agent activity
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